Idea born when writing a CS thesis
- Infinie global feed
- User controlled feeds
- One post per day per user
- Comments
- Follows
- Likes
- Android app (in testing)
- iOS app (in development)
- Public API
Bot made for Discord
- Reaction roles
- Auto voice channels
- Spam prevention
- Dadmode
- Reminders
- Leveling system
- Administaror functions (kick, ban, warn)
- Tons of other... hit /
Planning poker app to evaluate spritn ticket story points
- Easy ticket import from plain text
- Automatic jira link generation
- Specator mode
- Admin features to switch between tickets or add them
- 1 click room create and join, no registration required
Online snake game
- Huge playfield
- Optimized for slower computers and bigger screens
- Skins
- AI snakes
- No websokcets, so laggy
- Bugs
Generate passwords
- Fully random
- Fully client sided
- Optional history
- Settings stored in a browser
- Instant results, no processing time
Encode-decode strings into one format to another
- Supports: base64, json, HTML
- Build your own encoding and decoding flow
- Simple drag and drop flow builder
- Settings stored in a browser
- Instant results, no processing time
Convert timestamps or human readable dates into different timezones
- Includes most of the timestamps
- 12 and 24h format support
- Choose your own list of timezones to compare
- Settings stored in a browser
- Instant results, no processing time
Calculate Linux file system premissions
- Supports numeric and symbolic notations
- Settings stored in a browser
- Instant results, no processing time
Platform to analyze your Rocket League game stats
- API to fetch almost any player stats
- API to generate equal teams for tournaments
- UI libarry/tool to vizualise player stats, history, details or create teams easily
Bot made for Discord
- Fetch the stats from the API and create a nice vizualization of the ranks
- Create equal teams for small tournaments on the go
- Automatic rank roles
- Fun commands like random jokes or random nsfw content
- Guild based settings to configure by server admins